Blue Lagoon

Edit Spot

regular caribbean lefthander

surf here on your way to anywhere in the Cairrbbean. Guadeloupe,Barbados or the british virgin island. not a major spot, just a nice second choice

Additional Info:
"Razors" was named by writer/photographer/surfer Michael Drentea in 1997 while visiting family(Uncle is Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalve)

I surfed it at least 50 days from Jan-May while in med school on St. Vincent in 2002. Very consistent, occasionally hollow, and can get dangerous, unforgiving bottom, slanted rock sheet on the takeoff, and staghorn coral on the inside. rode days just above waist high, to 3-4 feet overhead and racing power. Actually, there's an old ship cannon stuck in the reef, underneath the takeoff point. look hard, covered in coral. In 4 months, only one other surfer ever came out, off a boat one day. Unbelievable that such a great wave goes unridden all this time.


This beach was discovered by Michael Drentea nephew of Prime Minister of St. Vincent Ralph Gonsalves. Michael is also a writer for SURFER Magazine. You can travel by boat or car down to the sunsail marina at the Blue Lagoon, and then 10 min paddling to the break. or you can paddle out from the abandoned hotel on the point and out the harbor entrance and around the reef.

WalkShort walk (5-15 min)
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredNo
Boat requiredNo
Wave Characteristics
TypeReef (coral)
BottomReef (coral, sharp rocks etc.)
FrequencyRegular (100 days/year)
Normal lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Good day lengthLong (150 to 300m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionNorth, East, NorthEast
Swell directionSouthEast, East, NorthEast
Swell size3ft-5ft - 10ft+
TideAll tides
Tide movementDon't know

Urchins, Rips / undertow, Rocks



Nearby spots
Ship In Bay

6.03 miles away

Bottom:Reef (coral, sharp rocks etc.)
Frequency:Regular (100 days/year)