Fanning Island

Edit Spot

This spot is the best in Fanning as there is access to the hospital and especially as the surf is right behind my place. It is in my backyard.

The spot is close to both the surf and the clinic in which you do not have to pay for medication.
There are 4 rental bungalows (raised floor huts)in which you can experience the way I-Kiribati people sleep in an open raised floor hut, roofed with thatches. If you do not prefer those, there is a small concrete house/building which can accommodate 5 people. This concrete house has louver windows and a ceiling. Both the windows and doors have fly-screens to avoid bugs to get in, especially flies and mosquitoes.
There is a 3 time meal. Your meal depends on whatever you like to eat, either canned foods or local foods. Local foods includes, fish, lobsters, shrimps, banana, taro, breadfruits, green leaves such as cabbage and of course vegetables like cucumber and sweet potatoes. You can have local drinks like coconuts, toddy, and toddy syrup (kamaimai) and also fermented toddy if you like.

Additional Info:
The spot is right on the right side of English Channel. There are no cars on the island except 3 trucks, but you don't need to take a ride from the wharf to the spot. You can feel free to take a walk with fresh air and environment.


Fanning island is one of the Line Islands in Kiribati. It is south of Hawai'i. You can get there by boat or by plane. But planes often stops at Christmas Island and then you can wait in any motel in Christmas for a government ship named Te Betiraoi or a sailboat S/V Tuaraoi. S/V Tuaraoi is owned by Chuck Corbett and it is for charter only.

WalkInstant access (<5 min)
Public accessUnknown
4x4 requiredNo
Boat requiredYes
Wave Characteristics
TypePoint break
BottomReef (coral, sharp rocks etc.) with sand
PowerHollow, Fast, Powerful, Ordinary, Fun, Slab
FrequencyRegular (100 days/year)
Normal lengthShort (<50m)
Good day lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionEast, NorthEast
Swell directionWest
Swell size5ft-6ft - 10ft+
TideHigh tide only
Tide movementRising and falling tides
WeekendFew surfers


