Gas Chambers

Edit Spot

All the info sounds good except for the part about landmines and dudes getting shot. If you trying to scare guys from surfing there don't hassle.....since they closed off the road very few guys go thru all the trouble of walking there. Also gas chambers is the spot in the very left corner of the bay.....A-Frames that will make your fillings rattle.....very round and very powerful. Worth the walk if everywhere else is flat!!

Additional Info:
it is on a huge farmers out for this guy.he will shoot you.we saw a landmine there the other day.very heavy shallow wave.bodyboards paradise'


its about 15-20mins up from melkbos.take the silverstroom turnoff.when you get to the toll gate stop.start walking.turn left onto a dirt road,firs right turn,walk past a powerbox and right down to the rocks at the end of the beach.

WalkLong walk (>30 min)
Public accessNo
4x4 requiredYes
Boat requiredNo
Wave Characteristics
TypeBeach break
DirectionRight and left
BottomSandy with rock
PowerHollow, Fast, Powerful
FrequencyVery consistent (150+ days/year)
Normal lengthShort (<50m)
Good day lengthShort (<50m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionSouthWest
Swell directionSouthWest
Swell size3ft-5ft - 10ft+
TideLow tide only
Tide movementFalling tide
WeekendFew surfers

Rips / undertow, Private beach



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