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Itapuca is the best alternative spot when the other beaches are big. It's a good place to learn to surf too.
It´s worth it. This type of wave is very rare on the Brazilian coast.
It is a magic spot, the localism is friendly but there are some old locals surfer as in any spot ! Altought the rock's bottom the waves breaks in the same way and the rocks are visable, if you drop one the other one is very similar so there are not much risk to crash into some rock.

Itacoatiara is the best spot in Niteroi and one of the most frequented by city surfers, but when it is realy big, and when Itapuca is breaking classic, the surfer balance going to Itapuca or Itacoatiara. Don´t miss ! VALE UMA CAIDA !
Itapuca is a spot with rocks and sand bottom in the right of Icarai's Beach. Due to locate inside the Guanabara Bay the spot does not break many times in the years, because it depends of a big swell. The best is east's swell
When Itapuca breaks the all the locate surf go there, and make sometimes unsurfable.

Additional Info:
The frequency is not good, breaks only with big east swells. There are two spots in Itapuca: Tapete, the waves breaks only for right and Canal that breaks to the both sides. The bottom is made of rocks and sand, although it is not a dangerous spot. A good spot for beginners when the waves size doesn't exceed 1m. Localism is always present when Itapuca breaks classic.
Easy to get there. Easy to park, and easy having fun despite the crowd.
In Itapuca there are 3 diferents spots, The first one is the Tapete that is locate between two rocks, the Indio's rock and the Fileira's rock in the Tapete exist a rock tha is locate in the outside, this rock is called Peixe Porco's rock and in a god day with 0,5 meter wave, stay close this rock when the waves start to break to you drop easier, when the waves are bigger stays some meters behind the rock, close other rock, that are called Espedito's rock this is other spot, when the wave breaks in Espedito´s rock if you drop you can walk a good distance, you can even arrive at the middle of the beach, when the surfer do that whe call the wave Praião ou Big Beach. The third spot is locate between the Itapuca's rock and other small rock, in this spot you can drop 3 diferents waves, when the waves are not big you can drop fast and fun waves that whe call kikortas, there two rocks in the bottom that makes two bubbles and to drop the waves you can be close this bubbles. The other wave is called Primeira and you drop close to the first big rock in the outside, the waves must has a size to break in the first stone, this waves is powerful and fast, and the third wave in this spot breaks on the second rock in the outside and whe calls this wave Segunda, it is a powerful and fast wave.
So if you never surf in this rock's bottom spot, you have to know somethings to make surf well in this spot. First learn the names of the rocks and the waves that breaks in this spot, learn where the waves breaks, learn where the rocks in the bottom are locate, to not be afraid with the rocks and be come a friend of a local surfer and good waves !
Has several distinct peaks, the big part rights, one close to the other, like Que Corta, Primeira, Segunda, Fileira, Peixe-porco, Expedito, Passagem, Lage, Prainha and Praião, and others. Some of them you can connect, and each one has its best tide. Gets really good when the sea is very big, although never gets bigger than 3-4 feet. Sometimes powerful, but barrels are not very common. Not for beginners when it’s not small. Breaks only with a big swell.
In its bests days, the rights can get really long, rippable and crowded.


Itapuca is located in Icarai beach, in Niterói (Rio de Janeiro). This spot is located in Guanabara Bay.
Cross the Guanabara Bay by Rio-Niteroi bridge. Once at Niteroi go to Icaraí Beach. Can´t miss. Only work´s when swell is above 6-8 feet cause it´s on a protected coast.
Itapuca is a spot in the right of Icarai's beach, in Niteroi, near the city of Rio de Janeiro. If you are in Rio de Janeiro go to downtown and take the Rio-Niterói's Brigde, when you arive in Niterói ask for Icarai's Beach, the spot is on the right of the beach, to make easier to find the spot in the beach look for a big rock on the right of the beach. Good Waves !

WalkInstant access (<5 min)
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredUnknown
Boat requiredUnknown
Wave Characteristics
TypeReef (rocky)
DirectionRight and left
BottomFlat rocks with sand
PowerFast, Fun
FrequencySometimes breaks (50 days/year)
Normal lengthShort (<50m)
Good day lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionSouthEast
Swell directionEast
Swell sizeDon't know - 3ft+
TideAll tides
Tide movementRising and falling tides
WeekendUltra crowded

Rocks, Localism



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