Muriwai Beach

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If your driving up the beach watch out for the soft sand. Beware of the rips, sharks and very hot sand (in summer).

Muriwai is best suited to smaller sized swells. The size of the beach means that there is always heaps of banks up the beach which no one is on. Beware of the rips when its a bit bigger as many people get drowned along this coast all the time,
especially tourists. There are lifeguards on patrol at the soutnern end by the car park but only during the summer months. Sharks can be around as well due to the seal colony on the island just offshore and some people have been bitten before.

Additional Info:
Muriwai is one huge beach. It streaches north for as far as the eye can see and beyond. The most popular place to surf here is to the right of the rocks in front of the car park.There is usually a good left working here. This beach is best in 2-4 foot waves and a mid tide incoming although it can be surfed in all tides and swell up to about 6-8 feet when it starts to close out and gets all ugly and out of control.


Drive North West from Auckland towards Kumeu. Go through Kumeu and keep on going west until you see the Muriwai sign on the left hand side of the road opposite the gas station. Turn down here and keep on going until you get there. easy.

WalkShort walk (5-15 min)
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredUnknown
Boat requiredUnknown
Wave Characteristics
TypeBeach break
DirectionRight and left
PowerHollow, Fast, Powerful, Ordinary, Fun, Ledgey
FrequencyVery consistent (150+ days/year)
Normal lengthShort (<50m)
Good day lengthLong (150 to 300m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionEast, NorthEast
Swell directionWest, SouthWest
Swell sizeLess than 3ft - 8ft+
TideAll tides
Tide movementRising and falling tides
WeekFew surfers

Rips / undertow, Sharks



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