
I've surfed south pacific a lot, indonesia, europe and usa and it's the best wave i've ever seen (very long, powerfull with 2 or 3 barrel sections). Water is very clear. Superb scenery. You can spot many turtles in the water.

This spot has a great atmosphere and is usually totally uncrowded, even during weekends. Please respect the locals!

Additional Info:
This spot is one of the best in New Caledonia. Unlike Dumbéa or Tenia, the wind is nearly non-existent there, as the reef is surrounded by mountains in a very large bay. It's always best in the morning though. Can be very shallow when it's too small, also don't go at low tide.

There are actually two ridable waves there. The left is very good, long and not dangerous, most of the people usually go there. The right is superb as well, faster and hollower than the left, with some of the nicest formed waves I've seen and über-clear water, however it creates a lot more sections than the left. Floater specialists will love it.


You need to find a boat because the break is 20 mn from the mainland. To get access, contact Stephane from the Uraï SurfClub, he runs a taxi-boat service. You can also camp on a small island but you need to take food and water.

WalkInstant access (<5 min)
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredNo
Boat requiredYes
Wave Characteristics
TypeReef (coral)
BottomReef (coral, sharp rocks etc.)
FrequencyRegular (100 days/year)
Normal lengthLong (150 to 300m)
Good day lengthVery Long (300 to 500m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionUnknown
Swell directionUnknown
Swell size3ft-5ft - 12ft
TideMid and high tide
Tide movementRising and falling tides
WeekendFew surfers




Nearby spots
Néra Rivermouth

27.24 miles away

Direction:Right and left
Frequency:Sometimes breaks (50 days/year)