Pasauran Muara

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This is a great wave on its day. Needs a big swell to turn it on but if you're lucky enough to get it right, you'll be talking about it for ages - big walls of swell standing up out of the distance breaking long lefts across a rocky bottom towards a rock wall - no beach.

The atmosphere at this spot is laid back. Basically only the locals know about this spot because it breaks infrequently. The paddle out can be dodgy on a big day. WShen jumping off the rock wall, make sure you pick the sets right. The large sets break heavily onto the rock wall. Getting out on a big day is also tricky. Paddle into the river mouth where there is a small section of gravel beach (about 8 m wide) on the northern side of the river mouth. Do not, repeat, do not get out via the rock wall - you will know why when you see it.

Additional Info:
Surf this location with a local. The wave breaks off the reef outside the river mouth on 2.5 m plus but this spot is the place to go when all others are closed out and the crossing to Sumatra is closed for ferries due to big swell. It breaks way out and forms long walling lefts. On smaller days it breaks off the reef in front of the river mouth - fast left reef break. Is not a consistent wave but if you get a late glass off on a big stormy swell, the session will be one to remember.


Head south of Anyer for about 18 km and look right when crossing the bridge at Pasauran Village. Access to the break is via the rock wall on the northern side of the river mouth. The wave breaks left slightly north of the river mouth.

WalkDon't know
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredUnknown
Boat requiredUnknown
Wave Characteristics
FrequencySometimes breaks (50 days/year)
Normal lengthLong (150 to 300m)
Good day lengthVery Long (300 to 500m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionNorthEast
Swell directionSouthWest
Swell sizeOver 12ft - 16ft and over
TideMid tide
Tide movementRising and falling tides

Urchins, Rocks



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