Ujung Bocur

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Good place to visit, with other good waves in the area. Feels like the end of the world in Southern Sumatra. On the other hand, during peak season do not expect to be alone. The crowds can be heavy, especially under 4-6ft, as it has lots of surfers staying in Krui and Mandiri that will come and surf here. Lot's of good waves within striking distance of Ujung Bocur and good place to set us a base.

Good wave that handles crowds well, and not too punishing. Big or small, fat or hollow, it's a wave with different moods.

Additional Info:
This is a good, long, and consistent point/reef break in Southern Sumatra, that has alternate barrel and wall sections, depending on swell size, tide and direction. It's offshore/sideshore in the main swell season (May-October). It's a bit like Uluwatu in Bali, with different sections and moods, but perhaps not quite as good. Works on all tides, but locals say probably best on lower tides and west swells, but it nearly always has some kind of wave, unless the swell is very small. Barrels on good days, especially near the top of the point, when the reef can get dangerous. There are also often fatter outside walls if you don't want to hit the reef, which can hold very big waves (10 feet +). Often gets bigger down the line, but may closeout in front of a big, peaky end section. There is another good left/right peak about 1 km further down the point but only when the swell is giant. There are other good waves in the area.


It's a 6 hour drive from Banda Lampung, then about 20 minutes south of Krui, all the locals know where it is. Unless the swell is giant, best to enter right at the top of the point.

WalkShort walk (5-15 min)
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredUnknown
Boat requiredUnknown
Wave Characteristics
TypePoint break
BottomReef (coral, sharp rocks etc.)
PowerHollow, Fast, Fun, Ledgey
FrequencyVery consistent (150+ days/year)
Normal lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Good day lengthLong (150 to 300m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionSouth, SouthEast, East, NorthEast
Swell directionWest, SouthWest, South
Swell sizeLess than 3ft - 10ft+
TideAll tides
Tide movementRising and falling tides
WeekFew surfers
WeekendFew surfers

Urchins, Rips / undertow



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