Usal Beach

Edit Spot

Located at the south end of the Lost Coast, Usal Beach is quiet and relaxing. Even if there is not much for surf there is some good hiking in this area.

Additional Info:
Once you have found Usal road from Hwy 1,(look for Usal spray painted on the highway) you will follow a dirt road for what seems like an eternity, just enjoy the scenery. After twisting and turning through redwoods you will eventualy reach the coast high above a cliff, don't be suprised if you see some elk. Shortly after you reach the coast you will come to a turn where you can see down to the beach and campground. After you reach the bottom of the valley you will cross a woden bridge that crosses Usal Creek. Once you have crossed this bridge look for a road to the left, this will take you to the beach. The road ends at the beach and just kind of opens up into a parking lot. This is a state park and campground, follow the side roads through the trees to find a campsite.


Long drive off the Hiway 1, once your there just park in the dirt parking area at the end of the road and you'll be at the beach. Just look up and down for something fun.

WalkInstant access (<5 min)
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredUnknown
Boat requiredUnknown
Wave Characteristics
TypeReef (rocky)
BottomReef (coral, sharp rocks etc.) with sand
PowerFast, Powerful, Ordinary, Fun
FrequencyDon't know
Normal lengthShort (<50m)
Good day lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionDon't know
Swell directionDon't know
Swell sizeDon't know - Don't know
TideDon't know
Tide movementDon't know




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Frequency:Don't know
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Bottom:Reef (coral, sharp rocks etc.)
Frequency:Rarely breaks (5 days/year)