
Edit Spot

World class secret.

Natural, isolated, in the zone.

This spot is a secret even to most SA surfers but I divulge in the name of adventure seekers like myself. I've left the whereabouts and swell direction etc for you to figure out, which means that you're probably a dedicated bastard if you find it. The spot has been rated as better than JBay and has a far more consistent swell window. Seek, respect and enjoy.

Additional Info:
Vleesbaai is a rare gem. Swell, wind, tide are: East swell, SW wind, low tide. There are three waves along this 1.5km super-point TOADS at the top, Middle Point in,,, er the middle... and Tidal pool at the end. All three cook, so you have to choose your spot based on the conditions of the day.

This is no joke: Vlees is notoriously fickle and even though it may have the right swell and wind it can change in a heartbeat. You will only ever hear of one or two perfect sessions a year, and they last only a few hours.

1. If the SW wind blows a little too strong then a strange contour wind blows up the point in the opposite direction and causes speedbumps in the face - on a fast wave, this is a dead end road.

2. Even a slight onshore wind makes the sections crumble and the wave becomes almost impossible to ride.

3. When the tide fills in too much it literally goes from breaking on one set to nothing the next set. Too much tide and it hits the rocks (stabilised dunes by Rooikrans trees have left little sand on the point.

Having said this, the wave works like the superbank when its on; and although this is only once a year or maybe two (if you're lucky) its well worth the search. Thing is that when its really on, everyone has already sent the SMS out and you will always have a thick crowd these days.

Rarely breaks - once or twice a year, only an hour before and hour after low.


This is South Africa's best kept secret but hey...
If you're driving from Mossel Bay it's about and hour South and the turnoff is Vleesbaai. The spot is situated on somebodies farm so you'll have to ask permission to access the land. You'll know when you've found the spot, believe me.

Vlees is a private access beach so if surfers misbehave there is every chance SURFERS could be disallowed in future. Please respect the rules of the gated community; be polite to locals, park in the lot and throw your trash in the bin.

WalkGood walk (15-30 min)
Public accessNo
4x4 requiredUnknown
Boat requiredUnknown
Wave Characteristics
TypePoint break
BottomSandy with rock
PowerHollow, Fast
FrequencyRarely breaks (5 days/year)
Normal lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Good day lengthLong (150 to 300m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionWest, SouthWest
Swell directionSouth, SouthEast, East
Swell size3ft-5ft - 8ft+
TideLow tide only
Tide movementDon't know
WeekendFew surfers

Urchins, Rips / undertow, Rocks, Private beach, Sharks



Nearby spots
Tidle Pool

3.12 miles away

Bottom:Reef (coral, sharp rocks etc.)
Frequency:Regular (100 days/year)

4.54 miles away

Direction:Right and left
Bottom:Sandy with rock
Frequency:Regular (100 days/year)

5.10 miles away

Bottom:Reef (coral, sharp rocks etc.) with sand
Frequency:Sometimes breaks (50 days/year)