El Misto

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This Spot breaks like once every 3 years and when is good the wave is like 20 meters long, Puerto Rico has a lot to offer and this is not one of them

one with nature... usually is surfed with one or two more guys. but when its on the memory lives on.

Additional Info:
spot is all class... super bowly left with a launch section perfect for airs... or stall it and get pitted. but beware of the reef super shallow and sharp. not very consistent though.ts a small wave break. Actually I like to go there when almost nowhere else is breaking except Aviones, because it is a wave magnet and will pick up any trace swell. The reef refracts the wave to make it double what the acutal size is, problem is once the swell starts to pick up past 4-6ft else where this spot is already closing out. Generally you can only surf it on a N- NE swell direction not any bigger than 2 foot overhead as the water is very shallow and the wave starts to close out. Though if that happens you can paddle 300 yards further down the outside reef to Racetracks which can be an amazing (right only) wave. Very Dangerous, very fast, very hollow that breaks 50 feet in front of a reef that comes out of the water along the whole wave. Anyway getting back to Milimeters depending on the prevailing direction of the swell it can be either a short right- longer left A frame, or a left only and slight longer ride. Both directions will give you a fast pitching take off in about 4 feet of water over sharp coral, with just enough time to do a quick bottom turn and tuck under the lip for about 2 secs before the wave starts to collapse and die out.


Hed down to the balneario in 7 seas Fajardo and you'll spot the wave at the very tip on your right hand side. Walk about 25 minutes and bring sandals and water. paddle out is sketchy since the channel is about 10 feet wide but visible.

WalkGood walk (15-30 min)
Public accessNo
4x4 requiredUnknown
Boat requiredUnknown
Wave Characteristics
TypeReef (rocky)
DirectionRight and left
BottomReef (coral, sharp rocks etc.)
PowerHollow, Fast, Powerful
FrequencySometimes breaks (50 days/year)
Normal lengthShort (<50m)
Good day lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionSouthWest, South, SouthEast
Swell directionNorth, East, NorthEast
Swell size3ft-5ft - 8ft+
TideLow and mid tide
Tide movementFalling tide

Urchins, Rips / undertow, Rocks, Private beach, Sharks



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Frequency:Very consistent (150+ days/year)
Luquillo - La Pared

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