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I like so much this spot because it is not too crowded like some famous beach in Florianopolis, even in the summer. It is a great wave spot, and there is always a wave to be riden somewhere along the beach which is 13km long .PLenty of alternatives nearby too. When in classic days, it can remindes Roca Bruja, at Costa Rica, because of the wave and the scenery: long beach, no buildings, just the great mother nature.

Moçambique is a long, magnificent stretch of beach on the Island of Santa Catarina . The water is really clean, scenery magnificent and I never had a hassle with the locals and neither did any of my friends.

Additional Info:
It is the biggest beach of Florianópolis, around 13km long. All the way through is sandy bottom. So when you get the beach, you just have to choose one place pumping and have fun. Because of its size, the crowd is not concentraded in one place. You can surf in peace. The waves are really powerfull. Left and rights usually pumping in peaks, with barrals and manouvers. The only problem is it does not offer canal to paddle out. So you better be on rip.


From the mainland, drive to the eastshore. The same track as if you go to Mole, Joaquina, Galheta and barra da lagoa. The only difference, it is the northern spot of the eastshore. Sodrive through Mole, Barra da Lagoa and keep heading north through the beautifull woody road. Very easy to find.

WalkInstant access (<5 min)
Public accessYes
4x4 requiredUnknown
Boat requiredUnknown
Wave Characteristics
TypeBeach break
DirectionRight and left
FrequencyVery consistent (150+ days/year)
Normal lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Good day lengthNormal (50 to 150m)
Ideal Conditions
Wind directionUnknown
Swell directionUnknown
Swell sizeLess than 3ft - 10ft+
TideAll tides
Tide movementRising and falling tides
WeekFew surfers
WeekendFew surfers




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